Medicine for fever
How to measure body temperature
cold items
Food restrictions
How should Diarrhea be treated?
How does diarrhea occur
- Ensure safe drinking water: This can be ensured by a variety of measures including boiling, treatment with certain chemicals or using certain filters. Ensure that water is kept covered and nobody puts his/her hands in stored water.
- Wash hands before preparing and cooking food.
- Wash uncooked vegetables and meat thoroughly before they are processed for cooking.
- Store food in clean utensils that are covered so that flies and insects do not contaminate the food.
- Serve food in clean utensils.
- Everyone should wash hands with soap and water before meals.
- Every one should wash hands with soap and water after defecation.
- Avoid eating out. If this is not possible choose restaurants carefully. Prefer those restaurants that have high standards of hygiene.
- Take measures to maintain clean surroundings.
About Appetite stimulants or tonics
About fruits and vegetables
Handle a child who likes only junk food
How to ensure good eating habits
Sports activities and general habits
Type of punishment
- The effect is only short lived.
- It sets a bad example for the child (if he/she can hit, why can't I?).Children who are hit tend to be aggressive.
- Parents are usually not in control when they hit, and may harm the child, even if they regret it later.
Acceptable forms of discipline are:
Time out: Giving a child a quiet corner or ignoring him/her till he/she controls him/her self.He/she needs to be in a safe but boring place.The timing of time out is 1 minute per year of life, up to 5 years. i.e.3 minutes for a 3 year old. Natural consequence: Telling a child that if he/she breaks his/her toy, he /she will not have a toy to play with. Make sure you follow through and let him learn through his/her actions.Lecturing him/her will not help.
Logical consequence: Telling the child that if he does not complete his/her homework and watches TV instead, he/she will not be able to go down to play.
Withholding privileges: Telling the child that if he takes away hi brother's toy, he will not be allowed TV time or computer time.Make sure you never take away a basic need such as food.Also make sure that you follow through.
How to deal with temper tantrums
Treatment for bed-wetting
How to handle a difficult child
General habits and behavior
General habits and behavior
General habits and behavior
General habits and behavior
Learning at school
Vaccination Schedule
Special care of Nappy area
- Let the baby sleep supine ( on his back) on a firm , tight-fitting mattress in a crib that meets safety standards.
- remove pillows, comforters, stuffed toys & other soft products.
- Make sure that your baby's head remains uncovered during sleep.
- If using blanket , tuck a thin blanket around the crib mattress only as far as the baby's chest.
- Adults other than parents and other siblings should not share bed with an infant.
Applying kajal and Surma etc...
- If hands are not washed properly , there is a chance that baby's eyes may get infected.
- cornea may get injured during putting kajal and surma.
- If some slightly large particles are present, they will constantly irritate the baby due to the foreign body sensation that it may result in.
- Some of the particles can block the tear - carrying ducts.
For these reasons, kajal and surma should not be used in newborns and young infants.
Kind of clothing
Use clean , dry, soft cotton clothes for the baby.In winter woolen clothes can be used over cotton ones. Sun-dry baby's clothes.Do not use clips, safety pins, buttons for baby's clothes.Cover baby's head with a cap when it is really hot.Use your common sense and judgement to decide how many clothes the child should wear.Over-wrapping will result in fever while inadequate wrapping may take the baby cold.Additional measures will be required in premature & low birth weight babies to keep them warm.Use of radiant light ( 40, 60 or 100 W ) kept about 1.5 feet above the baby will help. Light should be focused over baby's chest & abdomen. Avoid focusing over the eyes because this can damage the retina. Baby's temperature needs to be checked very frequently to avoid overheating and burns.