Usually parents employ this is an escape machanism so that the child does not trouble them but slight firmness from the parents is all that is required. Secondly the whole family has to participate in the management of this problem. The parents and other family members should also avoid junk food. A balanced diet is the goal. However, there is no need for a regimental/strict attitude. Some "off days" are allowed, say for special occasions and parties, but within milits. Breast milk is given exclusively till 6 months of age. Thereafter breast milk is continued and complementary foods are introduced. Milk is a good source of nutrition. However , many children do not like to take animal milk. It is not a mandatory or essential item of diet. The same nutrients can easily be given through other foodstuffs. In addition, if the child does not want to have milk, instead of insisting that he take the white liquid , you can still provide the goodness of milk by making preparations made from milk (say sheera cooked in milk).