Toilet training can be started after 24 months of age. Before that the child's nervous system is not fully developed to learn toilet training. By 18 months, the child can indicate the need to pass urine but cannot hold it and the child wets clothes. By 2-2 1/2 years, the child stops wetting clothes during daytime. By 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 years, most children are dry by day and night. By this age ,they can also initiate and interrupt the flow of urine voluntarily.Bowel control is achieved before bladder control.About bowel training : At about one year , the child is not ready to use a pot but will sit on one.Make the baby sit on the potty when you have made him naked for a bath.Some children are keen to try but if they use it to gain power over you, ifnore it and try later.Do not get angry with him/her if he /she does not empty his/her waste in it.He / she will repeat the same response if he / she gets a negative response.When he succeeds, show appreciation to reinforce his /her behaviour.