An infant should be exclusively breast fed till the age of 6 months.Thereafter other foods, in addition to the breast milk, should be offered to him/her.An infant should be exclusively breast fed till the age of 6 months.Thereafter other foods, in addition to the breast milk, should be offered to him.Initially child should be offered liquids like rice kanji, dal, fruit juices and vegetable soups.Thereafter, he may be offered semisolid items like mashed banana, mashed potato, porridge (suji), khichdi, etc.Once the child starts accepting one item and liking it, slowly.Increase the amount and also offer it more frequently, say, 3-5 times in a day.Introduce another new item after 5-7 days in a similar manner.Animal milk can be given after 6 months of life. If adequate food can be given through breast milk and other foodstuffs referred to above, introduction of animal milk can be delayed up to 12 months of age.