Infection of the gut is the commonest cause of diarrhea in infants and children. The harmful organisms enter the gut. In the gut they can injure the lining of the gut or make intestines secrete more fluids and electrolytes into the lumen of the gut and these are passed out as loose stools.Most diarrhea episodes can be prevented through personal hygiene, provision of safe water supply and proper sanitation and food hygiene. Some of the important measures that can help prevent diarrhea are enumerated:
- Ensure safe drinking water: This can be ensured by a variety of measures including boiling, treatment with certain chemicals or using certain filters. Ensure that water is kept covered and nobody puts his/her hands in stored water.
- Wash hands before preparing and cooking food.
- Wash uncooked vegetables and meat thoroughly before they are processed for cooking.
- Store food in clean utensils that are covered so that flies and insects do not contaminate the food.
- Serve food in clean utensils.
- Everyone should wash hands with soap and water before meals.
- Every one should wash hands with soap and water after defecation.
- Avoid eating out. If this is not possible choose restaurants carefully. Prefer those restaurants that have high standards of hygiene.
- Take measures to maintain clean surroundings.