Start with only one item at a time.The same item may be given on two occasions every day.At other times, the infant should continue to receive breast milk.Start with 2-3 teaspoonfuls and increasse the amount and frequently gradually.A new item should be continued for a week. Please pay attention to the following details.Maintain hygeine: wash hands before cooking and giving food.Always keep the food covered.Always taste the infant food before it is given to him/her.The care giver comes to know if the food is too salty or too spicy.This way she knows what the infant likes to take.Do not introduce new items more frequently.If there is diarrhea or other manifestations of intolerance, the offending foodstuff can be easily identified.If the baby does not like a particular food item, it should be withheld for a week and then tried again.Do not feed forcibly.