Begin by asking him/her regularly and without any pressure if he wants to use the potty.Keep it at an easily accessible place from where it can be got quickly.If he/she resists try again later.At around 18 months the toddler recognizes the sensations that go away when he/she passes urine and stools.He may clutch to the table or chair, stop playing, and looks at the puddle that he/she has made.Soon he/she becomes aware that he/she is about to pass urine or a motion rather than knowing if later the job is done.He gives an advance warning by standing still, looking at you and making sounds.At this stage he is ready for training .You may give him/her the potty but it is he/she who will choose to pass the motion in the pot.If he/she is ready to co-operate, you can help him/her easily.If he/she is regular with his/her bowel movements, leave him/her without a nappy or any such covering during that time.If he/she says 'no' , do not force him/her.He would do just the opposite if you try to force him/her and a new power struggle will begin.If he/she succeeds show a quiet approval.If he/she fails - suggest that he/she may possibly use it tomorrow.