Nappy area is prone to collection of moisture due to sweating , water left behind after bath or urine being allowed to remain in contact with the groin area.
The nappies shold preferably be made of cotton .It makes soiling visible enabling the caregiver a clear indiation to change the nappy.The plastic disposable nappies are heavier, too.
Nappy area should be properly dried.Talcum powder can be applied to absorb the remaining moisture.
Ideal sleeping position
- Let the baby sleep supine ( on his back) on a firm , tight-fitting mattress in a crib that meets safety standards.
- remove pillows, comforters, stuffed toys & other soft products.
- Make sure that your baby's head remains uncovered during sleep.
- If using blanket , tuck a thin blanket around the crib mattress only as far as the baby's chest.
- Adults other than parents and other siblings should not share bed with an infant.