Introduced late in the second year, he will be able to go to it him/her self manage his/her clothes with minimal help and get on and off the pot alone.All these stages take about 6 months to be completed. Night time training can be delayed till later age.If the child appears stressed / frustrated at any point, the process is discontinued and restarted after an interval of 1-2 months.The child is then taught how to remove and wear pants and use the potty chair him/her self.Boys can be taught urination in standing position.About bladder training: Though the child senses a full bladder , he/she has no time to alert you or to go to the pot before he/she urinates.In case of the bowels, he/she has enough time to go to the pot and get ready.However, he will slowly learn that urine too can go in the potty when he/she passes urine along with a bowel movement.You know that he/she is ready for training when he/she begins to cross his/her legs,clench his/her muscles to stop it.He controls it for a few seconds but may urinate with the first step he/she takes to the pot.Around 2 years the child will tighten his/her abdominal muscles and gain a better control for many more minutes.At this stage you can give him/her a potty.