Most diarrhea episodes are self-limited and are caused by viruses.The most dreadful consequence of diarrhea is dehydration. Hence the management of diarrhea concentrates on prevention and treatment of diarrhea.The child should be given plenty of fluids so that his/her stool losses are replenished.Plain water is not a good solution, as the losses of electrolytes need to be replenished too. Oral rehydration fluid is the best solution to offer. Home-made fluids such as buttermilk, dal water, rice, kanji, coconut water and lemon juice are satisfactory substitutes. Breast fed infants should be nursed frequently and should be offered breast milk. A close watch should be kept on the child's activity and behavior. A note should be kept of the number of stools passed as also the number of times he/she has passed urine. This gives an idea about the child's hydration status. After starting home available fluids, it is better to consult a doctor medicines that claim to relieve diarrhea by decreasing the peristalsis are harmful and should never be used in infants and children. Antibiotics have a role in certain cases of severe dehydration fluids may have to be given through the intravenous (injection) route.