Appetite stimulants available in the market have several side effects. And more important is the fact that an ill child with poor appetite requires his/her illness to be treated. A pampered child with food fads and "poor appetite" requires to be counseled and managed. Neither appetite stimulants nor tonics have any role. Child can be offered whatever food he wants to take in addition to the fluids. Due to illness, a child's appetite may be poor. Food should not be forced on him/her. This will lead to vomiting. Instead, it is prudent to offer small amounts more frequently. If food is not restricted , the weight loss during diarrhea can be minimized. Teething does not cause diarrhea. Teething begins at around 6-7 months. This is also the period when child starts putting everything in his/her mouth. This habit allows diarrhea causing germs to enter the infant's intestines and cause diarrhea. This is also the time when supplementary food in addition to breast milk is added to the infant's diet. If proper hygienic precautions are not taken while preparing, handling, storing and offering food, the infant can develop diarrhea.