However, it takes long to get " completely dry" as urine is passed many times a day.Failures are inevitable, especially when he is absorbed in play.He still wets nappies at night, as he cannot wake up for this event.Do not get disgusted with the failures.When he wakes up from a nap,take him/her to sit on the potty but if he does not comply or gets up immediately, ignore him/her, leave him/her without a nappy near a pot and tell him/her to sit on it when he/she feels the need.If he succeeds, gently approve of him/her.If he/she plays about makes a puddle, do not scold him/her.He/she will have occasional successes and then a few more. Slowly you can take him/her to the toilet and be there while he/she sits on the seat so that he/she is not scared of falling in. Slowly you get fewer and fewer 'accidents'.As he/she gets used to holding his/her urine during the day, it will sink in at a subconscious level and he/she will begin to stay dry at night.By the time he/she is three years he/she will be well trained and you do not need to mop his/her urine any more.