Vaccines are preparations that help children from developing various infections.Each vaccine protects against one particular germ. If there is a combination vaccine depending upon the preparation it may protect against 2-3 germs and diseases.Thus, several vaccines are required to protect children from various infectious germs.Like all drugs, Every vaccine has side effects.Most commonly encountered side effects are mild and transient such as pain at the local site, fever and rash.Considering the severity of the disease that the vaccines tend to protect the child from, vaccines in general, can be considered as being safe.The minimum vaccines every child must take are: The Government's Universal Program of Immunization offers the following vaccines: BCG, oral polio vaccine, measles vaccine and DPT vaccine.These protect from major killer diseases like tuberculosis, poliomyelitis , measles , diphtheria, pertussis (whoopng cough) and tetanus (lock jaw).The vaccines covered under this program can be considered as the minimum vaccines that the child must take.